The Lasting Benefits of Shared Book Reading
Shared book reading is more than just reading words on a page. Shared book reading, especially in early childhood, is a powerful activity that boosts and supports a child’s overall development in a number of ways. In this blog, we will explore the profound and lasting benefits that come with the simple yet powerful act of reading together.
Preparing your child to learn to read
One of the greatest gifts you can give your child is a love for reading. As they embark on this exciting journey into the world of words, there are several foundational skills you can nurture to set them up for reading success. This blog will share some valuable ways to help your child get ready to read.
Hearing for Speech and Language Development
For most people, communication is developed through the integration of spoken language, hearing, and auditory processing. However, for children with hearing deficits, this seamless flow is disrupted. Hearing is not merely about perceiving sounds; it serves as the gateway to understanding, mimicking, and ultimately mastering skills necessary for speech and language development.
Enhancing Communication through Joint Attention in Speech Therapy
Communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, and for many, it comes naturally. However, for individuals with communication disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), aphasia, or developmental delays, effective communication can be a significant challenge.
The Crucial Role of Parent Involvement in Speech Therapy
If you are a parent of a child who is receiving speech therapy at the moment, this blog is for you. Communication obviously doesn’t only happen in the clinic but is occurring all the time in all environments.
Why Your Child’s Speech Pathologist Should Collaborate
The best care for your child often involves a team effort, with multiple professionals working together to provide holistic support. In this blog post, we’ll explain the significance of multidisciplinary care and why it’s essential for your child’s speech pathologist to collaborate with other professionals, such as occupational therapists, psychologists, teachers, and paediatricians.
The role of the Speech Pathologist in developing literacy skills
Speech pathologists can support children to build their literacy skills to read and write effectively, including understanding text. Literacy challenges are often linked to communication and language disorders.
Enriching Your Child’s Vocabulary: A Roadmap for Parents
As parents, one of the most precious gifts we can give our children is a strong vocabulary. A rich and diverse vocabulary not only enhances a child’s communication skills…
When should a toddler start speech therapy?
As parents, it’s natural to closely monitor your child’s development, especially when it comes to milestones like speech and language skills.
The Power of Turn-Taking: How to Teach Your Child To Take Turns
Taking turns is an important social skill to master. As children develop their verbal communication skills, they also learn other important skills to support their conversations such as: attention, sharing, gestures and taking turns.
Speech Pathologist’s Top Tips for Home Practice
In our busy world parents and children have a lot on their plate. It’s a growing list that can often feel endless! School drop offs, extracurricular activities, music lessons, sports, pick-ups and drop-offs, school homework and now speech pathology homework?