Here at Speak, Learn and Grow, we pride ourselves in embracing our five key values: caring, giving our best, respect, teamwork and learning.

We care for each of our clients by working closely with families in collaborative goal setting, working with other health professionals to complete multidisciplinary sessions, advocating for our clients to receive the services and funding they require, and listening to our clients and their caregivers for input at every stage of the therapeutic process. This commitment to family centred practice involves us working closely with not only our clients but their family and caregivers, and considering each family’s unique values, goals, and circumstances when planning therapy. As we only have a limited time with our clients each week, working closely with families in a family-centred approach means that our services are individualised, flexible, culturally appropriate, and relevant for each client to support home practice and allowing clients to achieve their goals.

Give our Best
Every member of the SLG team gives their best every day.
We do this through constantly developing and planning creative and engaging therapy resources and activities, practicing self-reflection techniques to improve our therapeutic skills, and completing regular reviews to ensure our clients are making progress towards their goals.

We show respect by providing our clients with neurodiversity affirming care, and using positive language when we talk to, and about, our clients, their families, and other professionals. We respect our clients by providing them with information, workshops, home-based activities, and listening to their needs. As a standard at Speak, Learn & Grow, all caregivers are provided with a copy of our session notes after each therapy session to promote transparency and open communication. Many of our sessions, especially those with younger clients, are child-led. This means that we follow our clients’ interests and allow them to take the lead to interact in the way they need. This opens up the door for therapy to be intrinsically motivating and meaningful for children and allows us to develop authentic relationships built on trust, connection, and mutual respect.

The therapists and therapy assistants at Speak, Learn & Grow constantly collaborate and support each other, whether this be through attending and participating in regular peer mentoring sessions, sharing therapy materials and ideas, or collaborating in team meetings and case discussions.
We also believe that working with families and other multidisciplinary team members is important to support our clients to receive the best care possible, and regularly liaise with teachers, preschool staff, occupational therapists, psychologists, learning support officers, chiropractors, physiotherapists, and orthodontists

The Speak, Learn & Grow therapists attend weekly professional development meetings & present a professional development topic annually to both expand and share our knowledge.
Team members also regularly attend external professional development courses to expand our knowledge and skills, as well as engaging in weekly personal study to deepen our understanding of factors relevant to our caseloads.
We use this knowledge to provide our clients with the most relevant and up-to-date care possible.