Preschool Screenings at Speak, Learn and Grow Speech Pathology Services

What are Preschool Screenings?
Many parents wonder if their child’s speech and language skills are at the right level for their age. A great way to determine if your child is developing these skills appropriately is to complete a Screening Assessment.
Speak, Learn and Grow Speech Pathology Services provides Speech and Language screenings to preschools in our local area.
It takes approximately 15 minutes and cost $15 per pre-schooler. The screener looks at how children are saying words and sounds, as well as their comprehension and expression of language. Each parent receives a short report indicating if their child’s performance is what is expected for their age, or if further evaluation is recommended.
This is a great service that you are able to offer the children at your preschool centre. Please contact us to arrange a preschool screening session.
Other Services offered at Preschools:
Ask a Speech Pathologist Sessions
Do you ever just want to ask a few questions, with no strings attached?
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Do you ever just want to ask a few questions, with no strings attached? Why not ask your preschool to contact us and we will arrange an ‘Ask a Speech Pathologist’ session? This is a FREE service where a Speech Pathologist comes to the preschool for approximately an hour close to pick-up time on an arranged day/s. Parents are then able to ask any questions they like and get obligation-free advice.
Parent-information Sessions
If your preschool / daycare is holding parent information sessions and …
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If your preschool / daycare is holding parent information sessions and you would like to know more about speech and language development, ask them to contact our team. We provide a FREE service and can give parent talks on a variety of topics, including:
- What should my child be saying at this age?
- Phonological awareness and school readiness
- What is stuttering and what should I do if my child is stuttering?
- Improving expressive language and emotional intelligence
If you have any topics that you would like to hear about, please let us know.
In service training sessions
Speak, Learn and Grow Speech Pathology Services offers in service training to preschool teachers.
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Catherine Rubbi Speech Pathology Services offers in service training to preschool teachers. We can develop a talk specific to your needs if you provide us information of what topic you would like covered, the length of the talk and how many staff will be attending. The cost of the training session is $100 / hour and can include a wide range of topics in the follow categories:
- Speech and Language Development
- Phonological awareness
- Auditory Processing Disorder
- Stuttering
- Some of our more popular talks include:
- Using ipad apps to develop language and listening skills
- What should I do if a child is stuttering in my class?
- Group time/story time tips to strengthen children’s language skills.