How to foster conversations with your child to enhance communication
As speech pathologists, we understand the crucial role that conversations play in a child’s development. Whether it’s exchanging stories about their day or expressing their thoughts and feelings, your child’s conversations form the basis of their social interaction and language acquisition.
The Crucial Role of Early Intervention in Speech Therapy
Communication is central to human interaction, shaping every aspect of our lives from social relationships to academic and professional success. For individuals experiencing speech and/or language delays or disorders, early intervention can make a huge difference in building their potential.
How Can I Support My Child with ADHD?
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by difficulties with attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity and it affects around 1 in 20 children in Australia. As a parent, understanding how to support your child is crucial for their well-being and success in school. Here are some effective ways to support a child with ADHD and help you to implement strategies to use at school and at home.
Embracing Neurodiversity: A Guide for Parents on Affirming Care
Neurodiversity refers to the natural variation in the way some individuals think, learn, and process information, and the term ‘Neurodivergent’ includes a wide scope of neurotypes, such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, OCD, and more.
Nursery Rhymes: Boosting Your Child’s Speech and Language Skills
As parents, we're always on the lookout for fun and effective ways to support our children's development. From the moment they're born, we eagerly seek out activities that promote their growth, from tummy time to first words and beyond. But did you know that something...
Gestures help me communicate better
Have you watched a baby or toddler who has very few spoken words communicate with the people around them? Did they point, stretch out their arm to reach, shake their head, put their hand out or even take someone by the hand to where they wanted to go?
What is Stuttering?
Children who stutter can find communicating with others difficult or frustrating and might distance themselves from social situations or be less willing to join in on conversations. Speech pathologists have a range of interventions to support a child who stutters.
The Role of Speech Pathologists in Promoting Vocal Hygiene for Children
Speech pathologists play a pivotal role in promoting vocal hygiene among children, ensuring they develop and maintain strong, healthy voices.
What is Orofacial Myology? – An Introduction
Have you heard of the term orofacial myology or have you been told that your child should see an orofacial myologist? This sounds like a big, unfamiliar word, but it simply involves helping your child’s mouth (oral) and face (facial) muscles work their best.
Understanding Autistic characteristics and sensory processing
Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a complex neurodevelopmental condition that affects individuals in various ways. It is crucial to debunk myths and misconceptions surrounding autism to foster a more inclusive and understanding society.
Top 10 Tips for Meaningful Shared Book Reading
The primary goal of shared book reading is to create a positive and enjoyable experience that fosters a love for reading and supports your child’s overall development. Here are our TOP 10 TIPS to make shared book reading a meaningful and enjoyable experience for both parents and children.
Does my child need speech therapy?
Recognising whether a child may need speech therapy involves considering their speech and language development compared to typical developmental milestones. It’s important to keep in mind that children develop at different rates, but there are general guidelines that can help you identify potential concerns.