(02) 9526 2788 [email protected]

Useful Links for NDIS

Home and the Community


Provides services for children with disability requiring early childhood intervention, sports and activities, NDIS support coordination, and respite care

Click here for link

Disability Trust

After school and vacation care for children with disability

Click here for link


Early Years Support Service, vacation care, and after school care for children with disability

Click here for link

Supported Playgroup 

Children aged between 0-3 years with a disability can engage in fun play-based activities and get exposure to preschool with hands-on support from early childhood specialists.

Click here for link

Therapy and Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology Australia

Provides impartial advice and information for various types of assistive technology that can be used to build capacity and optimise environments e.g. augmentative and alternative communication, aids for daily living, house/workplace modifications etc

Click here for link

Autism Apps

“Autism Speaks” compiled list of autism apps including a brief description of the app, platform, cost, age group, and any related research

Click here for link

Useful Apple and Apps-related resources from Spectronics’ Consultancy Team

Resources for implementation on iPads/iPhones or iPod touches in special education and regular education classrooms and therapy settings.

Click here for link

Leisure and Independence 

Department of Transport NSW

Apply for Mobility Parking Scheme permit, public transport travel pass, Assistance Animal permit or the Taxi Transport Subsidy Scheme

Click here for link

Dance Ability

Dance and music programs for children and adults with intellectual and/or physical disabilities

Click here for link

Office Of Sport

Specific sports and organisations for people with disability

Click here for link

Professional Organisations and Associations 

Early Childhood Intervention Australia (ECIA)

National organisation that promote the interests of young children with disability/developmental delay and their families

Click here for link

Families NSW

Government initiative to enhance the health and wellbeing of children up to 8 years and their families.

Click here for link

Raising Children Network

An Australian parenting resource website. They have research based content on many different topics for all stages from pregnancy to newborns to teens

Click here for link

Complaints, Resolution and Referral Service

Available for you to discuss any concerns you may have about your service provider

Click here for link


Advocacy – Who can help?

Ask Izzy

Helps clients find support by connecting people who are in need of housing, a mean, money support, counselling and much more.

Click here for link

DANSW (Regional Managers)

Disability Advocacy NSW works with people with disability to help them understand their rights, work out issues, and be integrated in the community.

Click here for link

Local Area Coordinators: Offices and contacts in your area

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) implements the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which will support a better life for Australians with a significant and permanent disability and their families and carers.

Click here for link

National Association of Community Legal Centres

Support the community legal sector to provide high-quality, free, accessible legal and other services to everyday people, especially people experiencing financial hardship, discrimination, or domestic or family violence.

Click here for link

Legal Aid (local region & specialist teams based in state Capitals)

Provide legal assistance services to the public, with a particular focus on the needs of people who are economically and/or socially disadvantaged.

Click here for link

Aboriginal Legal Service (ALS)

Offer cultural support and work to bridge the gaps between solicitors, magistrates and clients through free, culturally appropriate legal advice, representation, information, and referrals. We also provide social justice programs and advocate for our people in public, in the media, and in parliament.

Click here for link

Specialist legal centres in your state (NSW)
  • Welfare Rights Centre

Provide free legal information, advice and representation to NSW residents who are adversely affected by Centrelink decisions. Specialising in social security law and family assistance law and its administration by Centrelink.

Click here for link

  • Australian Centre for Disability Law

Promote and protect the human and legal rights of people with disability and their supporters through legal advocacy.

Click here for link

  • Intellectual Disablity Rights Service (IDRS) Making Rights Real

Disability advocacy service and a community legal centre. We work alongside people with disability to promote and protect their rights.

Click here for link