(02) 9526 2788 [email protected]


All the types of Funding

Medicare Enhanced Primary Care Plan (Medicare EPC)

This is a Medicare initiative aimed at children and adults who have chronic problems. Chronic is defined as extending beyond 16 weeks. If your child has a communication problem and is under the care of two health professionals (either a Speech Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Audiologist or Pediatrician), he may be eligible. The Enhanced Primary Care Plan needs to be completed by your G.P.

For more information visit the Department of Health & Ageing website.

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

If you have a disability that is likely to be permanent and significant you can receive funding from the NDIS. The NDIS funds reasonable and necessary supports to help you reach your goals and aspirations, and take part in activities to increase your social and economic participation. You are eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) if you: are under 65 years of age, and are an Australian citizen or resident or permanent visa holder, and meet the disability or early intervention requirements.

We are a registered NDIS provider and we can provide services to your family whether you have a self-managed, plan-managed or NDIA-managed plan.

For more information visit www.ndis.gov.au or call 1800 800 110 

Private Health Funds

Speech Therapy is rebateable if you are in the top level of cover of private insurance. Each fund has a different rebate and limit on the total rebate eligible. Families will need to contact their fund to get this information.

For Information on the Cost of Services, please see FAQ

The Frankie Foundation

The Frankie Foundation vision is “to support families who find their NDIS Budget not stretching far enough to support their child’s needs through the duration of their NDIS Plan.”

Please visit: The Frankie Foundation website for more information on how you can get more support to meet your child’s need.