As speech pathologists, we often rely on standardised assessments and structured tasks to gauge a child’s language comprehension. These assessments commonly include following directions, responding to WH questions, and pointing to pictures to assess receptive vocabulary. However, these methods can fall short when working with children who are gestalt language processors (GLPs). Let’s explore why and how we can better support these unique learners.
Why Traditional Assessments May Not Work for Gestalt Language Processors
- Intrinsic Motivation: Following directions often overlooks what truly engages a child. If the task isn’t motivating, a child might understand the instruction but choose not to comply. When working with autistic children in particular, motivation is key, and we need to tune in to what excites or interests them.
- Beyond Compliance: Many receptive language goals emphasise compliance over genuine comprehension. For instance, a child may grasp a multi-step instruction but not complete it due to a lack of motivation, emotional dysregulation, or other factors. We must recognise that understanding doesn’t always lead to action.
- Sensory and Emotional Regulation: A child’s emotional state can significantly impact their performance on tasks. If they’re feeling overwhelmed or dysregulated, their true abilities may not be evident.
- Gestalt Cognitive Processing: GLPs also think in gestalts, and they may have specific steps that they have related to a specific task. They may not like a direction that tries to alter their gestalt and consequently won’t complete that direction, which is then misinterpreted as a lack of understanding. For example, a child may like flipping through the pages of a specific book and reciting the whole book from start to finish. When you ask the child to point to a picture in the book while they’re in the middle of the gestalt, they are unlikely to do this as this is not part of their gestalt.
- Executive Functioning Skills: Receptive language tasks require skills such as working memory, shifting attention, self-monitoring and self-control. If these areas are challenging for a child, their performance on language tasks can be misleading.
- Flexibility of Language: Until stage 4 of Natural Language Acquisition, a child does not have the flexibility in their expressive language to respond in a manner that would represent their understanding of a question. They may answer with a gestalt that is not understood by the therapist. For example, when asked “Where do birds live?” a child may use a gestalt that they associate with nests and eggs: “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. This would be interpreted as incorrect, even though the child did understand the question.
- Referential Understanding of Words: Children in stages 1 and 2 of language acquisition do not recognise words as discrete units. Thus, receptive vocabulary tests which involve pointing to specific words are not appropriate until they reach stage 3. This is when they begin to point referentially and understand the word as an individual meaning of language.
How Can We Better Support Gestalt Language Processors?
- Emphasize Language Development: Familiarise yourself with the Natural Language Acquisition framework (Blanc, 2012). This approach provides insights into how to support a GLPs language journey from echolalia to flexible, self-generated language.
- Educate and Advocate: Many educators and therapists may not be aware of gestalt language processing. Educating them about this approach can change the narrative from viewing a child as having comprehension deficits to recognising their potential.
- Write strengths-Based Goals: Encourage speech pathologists and educators to craft strengths-based goals. Presuming competence is vital until a child reaches stage 4 of language development, at which point receptive language goals can be more effectively pursued.
- Safety Memorisation: While we typically avoid rote learning with GLPs, memorisation can be necessary for safety. Teaching a child to memorise how to answer questions like “What’s your name?” can help keep them safe in crucial circumstances.
- Integration of Expressive and Receptive Language: Remember that expressive and receptive language are deeply intertwined, especially in early stages. Instead of slicing them into separate categories, approach language development holistically and support a GLP to move through the stages of Natural Language Acquisition. To learn more about these stages, read here.
A New Perspective on Comprehension
Instead of relying solely on formal tasks, which are highly problematic with GLPs, we can often observe understanding through parent reports of everyday interactions. For instance, when a parent asks, “Do you want to read a story?” and the child runs to the bookshelf, that’s a clear indication of comprehension. Similarly, if a parent says, “Let’s go to the park,” and the child responds, “Seatbelts on!” it shows that they are processing and responding in their unique way.
As we continue to support GLPs let’s critically consider whether our receptive language assessments are well suited to accurately describing their comprehension skills. Each child has a wealth of potential that we may not fully see, especially in the earlier stages of gestalt language processing. By focusing on holistic language development, advocating for strengths-based approaches, and considering the child’s emotional and sensory needs, we can create a more inclusive environment that truly fosters understanding and growth.
Happy practicing, and remember: every child’s language journey is unique, just like they are!
Source: Receptive Language and Gestalt Language Development ( and Gestalt Language Processing Handbook by K. Arnold