(02) 9526 2788 [email protected]

Peer Mentoring

Learning and support come in a variety of forms at Speak, Learn & Grow. Peer Mentoring is part of the learning process and each individual has a part to play in the team’s growth and development. Coming together as peers and sharing your insights, experiences and ideas is a powerful learning tool. This is what our team have had to say about peer mentoring:

“Peer mentoring sessions are a great opportunity to share therapy resources, brainstorm clinical decisions and come together as a team. I have found the sessions very useful this year, particularly for sharing a range of therapy resources and ideas (e.g. online games, books, toys etc.) over a range of clinical practice areas. It has also been a great opportunity to consolidate knowledge, share recent research and reaffirm my clinical learning!” Tiffany

“I have learnt so much from our peer mentoring sessions. I love the ideas that others share that I hadn’t thought of. Some of the therapists are super creative and this helps me think of new ways to target the same goal that I have been working on for a while. I also love the opportunity to share my ideas with others and be of value to my team mates”. Bec

“Peer mentoring is one of my favourite times in my schedule. It allows me to feel connected to the team and learn from them. I have received so many resources that the other therapists put on our shared google drive and this saves me hours of work having to make or find these resources myself. I learn a lot, not only from the team members answering my questions, but also from the questions that other people ask. I’m so grateful that we have these meetings and I know that I have grown a lot In my clinical understanding as a result of them”. Lexi